Sunday, 18 December 2011

Also I took other photos of a supporting band 'The Xcerts' for more of a choice

photographs of frank turner

more pictures

Last night i attended a gig, in Switzerland,of the artist Frank Turner I e-mailed Frank and asked for special permission, which he kindly gave, to get a photo pass. This allowed me to go beyond certain barriers and take photographs for the first three songs without a flash and capture some very interesting images for my music magazine. the following images are all my own work and have not been copied off of any site.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

draft more music magazine front cover

this is my first draft, to give myself an idea how my magazine might look.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

design of front cover (Image only)

First of all I edited the levels. making the image more neutralised.

Then I edited the curves to change the lighting.

Then I edited the vibrance and saturation creating a more visually appealing photograph.

I then edited the exposure. making the image more bright.

I copied the image and selected the healing brush tool

using this I masked over 'the beatles' to make it look more professional.

I cropped the image to make i larger to fit a Masthead.

Finally I use the healing brush tool to make the white background merge with the photograph.


An appropriate publishing company for my music magazine is 'Time Inc'. This is because it is an extremely successful publishing company, publishing music magazines such as ‘PEOPLE’ magazine. Because of it's massive success in publishing magazines it is an obvious choice as i know that it would get well published but also because magazines they publish such as 'PEOPLE' and 'GOLF magazine' aren't within the same genre of magazine as mine I can guarantee no threat to come to their audiences for previous magazines.
In the first six months of 2004 'PEOPLE' magazine was ranked number 3 in the 'Top 100 ABC Magazines', having a total of 2.281.395 subscriptions and being paid a total of 3.730.287, which can show that 'Time Inc' is a highly successful publishing company and i could feel secure in trusting that this company could publish my magazine well.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Edits of band photos

Here are some edits I made using photoshop creating ideas for my music magazine:

Singer- potential centrefold - nuetral colour scheme

singer- potential centrefold/ contents

bassist - potential contents - nuetral

band - more nuetral colours

band - front cover

lead guitarist

original photographs

Here is a section of photographs i have taken for my music magazine for my front cover, contents page and centre fold.

Picture of bassist - potential for contents page

drummer - potential contents

singer - potential contents

singer - potential centre fold

singer-potential centrefold

singer - potential contents, centrefold

potential centrefold, contents

singer - potential centrefold/contents

band - too wide for a front cover, not enough spacial awaerness for centrefold

band - too wide for a front cover, not enough spacial awaerness for centrefold

band - potential front cover

band - potential front cover

band - potential front cover

band - potential front cover

band - potential front cover

band - potential front cover

lead guitarist - potential contents

band - potential front cover