Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Images from other magazines that have influenced me

This magazine front cover, from 'Classic Rock' magaizne, influenced my final front cover image because when designing a music magazine front cover it can be very difficult to organize members of the band within the shot and because this particular band featured in this issue 'ACDC' have 5 members it was even more difficult but 'Classic Rock' magazine managed to make it work and look natural and a good picture also.
Also, this image showed me that the colour scheme of white, red and black work very well together and influenced me to use this in my final piece.

This issue of 'Classic Rock' from Russia was also a great inspiration on my music magazine front cover because, like the previous image, it has had to fit all members of the band, in this case 'KISS', inside the shot but unlike the previous image this front cover has had the band posing for the camera, showing that you don't have to make the band look natural or have them at a close up shot for the front cover image to look like a great image.

My Final Front Cover

My Final process & adaptation process

1. Upload original image

2. Copy in a texture

3.Blend in to linear burn

4. Change opacity to 52%

5. Duplicate original layer

6.Lower opacity

7. Erase texture layer that covers faces, make it look natural.

8.Select top layer

9. Type magazine name

10. Enlarge name

11. Change font

12. Edit colour scheme

13.Move text behind band. Erase sections that overlap.

14. Create skyline box

15. Add skyline text

16. Change skyline text font & colour

17. Change skyline text size

18. Add date

19. Add effects to date

20. Add website

21. Add effects to website

22. Add band name (Main feature)

23. Create box with low opacity to hold text

24. Create subtitle text box

25. Make box smaller

26. Add subtitle text (line 1)

27. Add effects

28. Add subtitle text boxes 2& 3

29. Add the remainder of subtitle text & effects

30. Add bar code

31. Add Left third

32. Add photographs of smaller features

33. Add smaller feature text

34. Add issue number

Adaption process:
1. Open final image

2. Open original image + texture added.

3. Duplicate original layer, on top of original and final.

4. Erase skyline

5. Erase skyline completely & flatten image to get the final outcome, minus skyline.

6. Create a new skyline box (smaller than original)

7. Add skyline text

8. Add effects to skyline text

9. Add website

10. Add effects to website text

11. Add issue number & effects

12. Add date & effects