Name: reasoning:
T.E.L - The Electric Lady- Jimmi Hendrix studio name.
Overdrive- going over board on an idea or subject
Tempo- It means pace and can symbolise the magazine going fast
Feroce- Italian meaning 'fierce'
Fuoco- Italian meaning 'fire'
Allegro- Italian meaning quick
Anima- Italian meaning soul or spirit
Distorted- common music term meaning not clear or clean
M.R.M- Modern Rock Magazine
Octave- high, or low, pitch, or scale.
M&S- Music and sound
Fret magazine- Fret is a section on the guitar
Stacatto Magazine- Italian meaning sudden notes
Watchtower magazine- Bob Dylan reference
Def Fret- Def as in Def Leppard and Fret as in Fret on a guitar
Hammer on- slapping notes on a guitar hard and fast
Cross Rhoads- A reference to the film 'cross roads' about
selling your soul to the devil to play guitar well and
Randy Rhoads who is a well known guitar legend
The Reason most of these magazine name ideas are translations to italian is that because in most music schools and colleges they teach the Italian terms instead of the translation to english, the main languages used in music terminology are Italian, German and English.
The Music magazine name i am going to go for is 'Def Fret' as it is short and snappy with also two references, one to an amazing rock band and the other to a musical term for a section of a guitar, not only thiss but when said it is pronounced Death Threat which sounds exciting and threatening which modern rock fans enjoy.
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